Protac SensOn®
Children and Teenagers

Fabric Shown:

Protac SensOn®

Children and Teenagers

The Protac SensOn® is a unique collar for children and teenagers. which sits easily and naturally on the neck, shoulders and chest of the wearer and promotes a sense of relaxation


Suitable for:

The Protac SensOn®  was developed as a sensory stimulation aid and this model is particularly suited to children and teenagers. It is ideal for people dealing with issues such as physical and psychological restlessness, sensory disturbances, poor concentration and learning difficulties, stress, brain damage, ADHD, autism and other psychiatric diagnoses.


Design and Sizes

The Protac SensOn® is supplied in a choice of three stylish and contemporary colours – black, light grey and lemon, with a range of smaller sizes custom designed to fit children and teenagers:

Junior 800-100-2800-10-J

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The filling of the Protac SensOn® consists of small beads which offer a combination of weight and sensory stimulation. When the collar is being worn the presence of the filling naturally lowers the shoulders and works to relax the neck. The most accurate comparison with the Protac SensOn® is probably that of a pair of calming, firm hands being placed on the shoulders of the person wearing it. Once in place it is extremely discrete and can help to lower anxiety and increase body awareness, calming the user in a way which promotes wellbeing and peace of mind and can improve concentration and learning capacity.

Colours available:

* The taller option for users over 180cm tall is not available in off white.

**Stocked colour for immediate delivery are available in Lime and Aqua for model size up to 180cm.