Parkinson’s Disease: What Is It And What Are The Symptoms

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Looking For the Ideal Sensory Product for Parkinson's? Speak To the Experts

    Protac Myfit® Vest For Parkinson's

    A disorder of the nervous system, Parkinson’s is the result of damage to the dopamine-producing nerve cells. Most of the time, Parkinson’s affects people over the age of 65, but it’s something that can develop earlier for some people. When it comes to learning what the cause of Parkinson’s disease is, doctors do not yet know what causes it. In a small number of cases, Parkinson’s disease is inherited.

    Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

    The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can vary from person to person, and are as follows:

    • Shaking and tremors in the hands and arms. It usually begins in just one arm or hand.
    • Rigidity in the muscles, which limits movement.
    • Movement slowing down.
    • Posture and balance issues.
    • Speech issues.
    • Handwriting issues.
    • Fatigue.

    Often, the symptoms of Parkinson’s come with the different stages of Parkinson’s disease, and as there are different types of Parkinson’s, it’s important to know which ones affect you or your loved one by speaking to your doctor for extra help.

    Types of Parkinson’s Disease

    There are different types of Parkinson’s disease to be aware of. The main types include:

    • Primary Parkinson’s. This is the most common type, with around 80-85% of people diagnosed with this type of Parkinson’s. It usually responds well to medication.
    • Familial Parkinson’s. In certain genes, there are mutations known to increase the risk of Parkinson’s, and it depends on the mutation as to whether this is passed through the family.
    • Early-onset Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s is more common in older people, but around 10-20% of people diagnosed are before the age of 50.

    Parkinson's: The Importance of Sensory Care

    For many Parkinson’s patients, sensory care can make a big difference, particularly in the case of tremors. With the right sensory equipment, you can become more comfortable and find greater inner peace, which is why sensory care is so important. Sensory stimulation products can give a patient the feeling of comfort and a deeper sense of security, while also promoting a straighter, safer posture.

    Why Switch to Protac Products?

    With Protac, you are choosing targeted products that allow you to feel more comfortable while your symptoms persist.

    Protac’s MyFit® Vest

    The Protac MyFit® Vest offers sensory stimulation. It’s well suited to people of all ages, specifically those experiencing physical difficulty and who are finding it hard to stay calm. If you are dealing with other conditions that affect you neurologically, the MyFit® Vest is also there to help with those symptoms, too.

    It’s been specifically designed to fit the body well, and it can be adapted for size and weight depending on you. When the vest fits closely to the body, sensory stimulation is achieved, and there are adjustable laces in the back of the vest that allows for movement and the ability to tighten the vest properly. Choosing Protac for sensory stimulation products is all about comfort, and you deserve to feel as comfortable as possible at all times.

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    …Speaking to a member of our experienced and friendly team today on +44 (0)1384 567401 , by emailing our team at or by using our quick and simple contact form below. Alternatively, you can find out more about our full range of Protac sensory stimulation products, including the Protac MyFit® Vest, by clicking here or by getting in touch with a member of our support team today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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