Our Customer Service Charter

Our Customer Service Charter sets out the standard of service you can expect when dealing with Repose Furniture.

It also outlines how you can help us to improve the service we provide for you and how we will address your concerns if you are unhappy with our service.

Our Service to You

We aim to:

  • Provide fast, efficient and effective service from the moment you call us
  • Provide complete, accurate and current information and guidance to help you make a purchasing decision that is right for you
  • Secure your loyalty and trust with products manufactured to a high standard that represent value for money
  • Act honestly, openly and ethically with you and be accountable for our actions

All our staff will:

  • Be polite, friendly, open and honest
  • Treat you with respect
  • Treat you fairly and equally
  • Respond promptly to requests for service, advice or information
  • Inform you promptly of decisions that will affect you
  • Respect your privacy and the confidentiality of information provided

If you telephone us we will:

  • Be prompt in answering calls
  • Tell you who you are speaking to
  • Try to deal with your enquiry within 24-48 Hours

If you write, fax or email us we will:

  • Acknowledge your email within 24 hours
  • Reply to you within 3 working days
  • Communicate clearly and in plain language
Customer Service Charter

Suggestions and Comments

We are keen to improve the level of service we offer and welcome your suggestions or comments on the service you have received. Please write to us at the address below or email us on info@reposefurniture.com


Should you be unhappy with our products, service or the behaviour of any of our staff, please:

  • Immediately contact us and raise your concerns with a member of our customer service team
  • If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction or if the complaint refers to the service team contact our Commercial Development Director by email or phone
  • If you are still not satisfied or would like to provide feedback, your concerns should be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive
  • Written complaints will be fully investigated and a written response provided within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint

This Charter was approved by our board in March 2020. We will review the Charter at least every two years to ensure that it remains relevant.