Healthcare Guide: Pressure Sores (Pressure Ulcers)

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    As we age, it is common for the body and the skin to become weaker. When a person continuously exposes or puts pressure on a particular area of their body, they may end up with pressure sores – also referred to as pressure ulcers.

    This pressure or exposure can result in a degradation of the skin, which can cause it to open up and be vulnerable to infection.

    What Are Pressure Sores and How Do They Develop?

    Pressure sores are injuries to the skin caused by constant or regular pressure in the same area.

    They are most common on bony areas of the body, as these areas can experience more friction when pressed against a surface. This includes the hips, ankles, tailbone, and the heels of the feet.

    Pressure sores develop over various amounts of time. For some, pressure sores (pressure ulcers) can develop in a matter of hours. However, for others, pressure ulcers may take several days to develop. The main cause of the development is due to a person having limited ability to move, resulting in extra pressure placed on the same area of the body for a long period of time. Pressure sores from sitting in a chair for an extended period of time are very common.

    Pressure Sores

    Pressure Ulcers (Pressure Sores): What Are the Symptoms?

    Pressure ulcers and sores often develop the same symptoms for most people. This includes:

    • Inflammation of the skin.
    • Tender areas on the body.
    • Skin that feels cooler or warmer in certain areas.
    • Pus draining from the skin.
    • Unusual skin colour or texture.

    When these symptoms occur, it is important to seek medical care from a doctor. In the meantime, you can take certain measures to prevent pressure sores from developing.

    3 Ways to Effectively Prevent Pressure Sores Developing

    Improve Mobility by Investing in a Riser Recliner Chair

    Choosing a recliner chair can help to improve mobility, allowing a person to move around and get up from their chair more often without additional assistance being required.

    Furthermore, they will provide enough cushioning and comfort for people to sit for extended periods of time and not experience friction between the body and the chair.

    Take Care of Your Skin

    Taking good care of your skin will help to reduce the risk of developing pressure sores. Sticky, sweaty, or wet skin can make your skin more vulnerable to pressure sores.

    Keeping it dry and clean, as well as hydrated will help to prevent the development of dry skin and friction.

    Manage Chronic Health Conditions

    Should a person suffer from chronic health conditions, they could be more vulnerable to pressure ulcers. For instance, a poorly functioning cardiovascular system can cause poor circulation, which can cause pressure sores.

    Managing these conditions can help a person to enhance the prevention of pressure sores. You could simply increase water intake, eat a healthier diet, or take medications to help manage chronic conditions.

    Anyone that is vulnerable to pressure sores can benefit from taking the right measures, as they will help manage and prevent pressure sores.

    Uncover How Riser Recliners Help Reduce the Risk of Pressure Sores by Clicking Checking Out Our…

    …detailed guide here. You can also speak to a member of our friendly and experienced support team to discover how utilising a riser recliner chair can help reduce the risk of pressure sores (pressure ulcers) from developing by calling +44 (0)1384 567401 or by sending an email to We look forward to speaking to you soon.

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