Make Your Care Home Budget Go as Far as Possible with These 5 Ideas

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According to the CMA, care homes in the UK are living with unsustainable levels of debt. This is understandable, particularly when all the costs of the setup of a care home are considered. It’s essential that a care home caters to the full needs of elderly patients. With this in mind, here are some of the options to ensure that a care home budget provides the greatest benefits.

Modular Healthcare Chairs

First, it's important to ensure that care homes have the right modular healthcare chairs in place. Care home chairs are available in the UK from a variety of manufacturers and suppliers, so it's important to find the supplier offering the right quality at the right price. Healthcare chairs are an essential piece of equipment, used in helping patients who have issues with mobility and ensuring that they're provided with the right level of comfort.

Sensory Products

Sensory products are going to be an important investment for any care home. According to the latest statistics, 50 million people around the world have some form of dementia. It’s believed this number will rise to 130 million by 2050. Care homes must live up to the requirements of patients with dementia. Sensory products including specialist seating can help ensure that patients are always comfortable and stimulated. It’s important to explore different materials and a variety of designs.

Invest In High-Quality Staff Training

You also need to make sure that you think about the importance of training your team. The right training will mean that you don’t have to micromanage your employees. This ensures your care home is more efficient, allowing you to focus on other areas, such as how to improve your services. It's also vital that your staff members receive appropriate training to ensure that they can always provide support with a patient's needs. This is an important part of the fundamental standards that you must adhere to when running your care home as it ensures that you and your care home provides the right quality of service for your patients.

Care Home Paging Systems

Next, you should consider investing in care home paging systems. These systems provide a flexible and affordable way to keep everyone in your business connected. With an option like this, it will save you the cost of setting up a full computer network through your care home. The pagers themselves are affordable and won’t eat into a large chunk of your budget. You just need to make sure that you select pagers that are easy to use with a clear display

Versatile Mobile Hoists

Finally, you might want to consider investing in mobile hoists for your care home. A mobile hoist means that you do not need to worry about moving people manually. It makes it easier to transfer elderly individuals between beds and chairs. They typically work with slings and are designed to take the pressure off care teams while also ensuring that patients can remain mobile. Mobile hoists will also ensure that elderly individuals can be moved around safely.

Discover How Healthcare Chairs Can Help Make Your Care Home Budget Go Further

Healthcare Chairs are a great versatile and long-term solution for a variety of patient’s needs. See how they can make your budget go further with our article here.

Alternatively, you can contact a member of our team by using our quick and easy contact form below. You can also get in touch with a member of the Repose team today on +44 (0)1384 567401 or by emailing us at We look forward to hearing from you.

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