Infection Control: Making Your Care Home Safe Post-Covid

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Infection Control in Care Home

The threat covid 19 brought into the lives of all people is real and happening right now. Unfortunately, it’s not something we can ignore; we have to take great care when it comes to the safety of our staff and clients. By providing adequate infection control is vital to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Covid-19 is a respiratory illness where most only experience mild respiratory disease and recover soon. Unfortunately, some are more prone to develop a severe illness, including the elderly, individuals with underlying conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and many more. When it comes to the safety of these high-risk individuals, we need to be extremely cautious and protective of them. This article will look at how you can increase protection for your infection control care home.

Regular Handwashing and Hand Hygiene

During all stages of the coronavirus pandemic, regular hand washing has been at the forefront of the fight. Most countries have vigorously advised their people to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds several times per day. This was also announced various times by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Scientists believe that sanitizing our hands; hand washing will also be vital during the process of fighting this virus.

Invest in High-Quality Healthcare Chairs

When it comes to the healthcare chairs elderly use to sit in for prolonged periods, the chairs must be built to meet the needs of the patients. Repose’s healthcare chairs are specifically designed to reduce pressure on pressure points, ultimately reducing ulcers and bedsores that appear after some time.

This specialist seating doesn’t only help with aiding ulcers and bedsores. They also provide several other benefits, including; reduced risk of pressure damage, improved circulation, and maximum diaphragmatic function, assisting the respiratory system. They can also be made using specialist Panaz Shieldplus fabrics, allowing the chair to become antimicrobial as the Panaz Shieldplus fabrics are fast acting, safe and durable against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses including COVID-19.

Implement Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidelines

Personal protective equipment will also play a prominent role in preventing the coronavirus, but it might not be as effective if your staff isn’t well trained in PPE guidelines. The Level of PPE used will also have to be proportionate according to the specific tasks individuals have to carry out. For example, someone at reception, a chef cooking food, and a person giving physical care will all have different guidelines of PPE to follow. So, depending on how well you train and manage your staff on PPE will also help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Respiratory and Cough Hygiene

When it comes to coronavirus transmission, poor respiratory and cough hygiene may negatively impact it. It can be improved by focusing on aspects like covering the nose and mouth when sneezing, covering your face when coughing, keeping your mask on, and so forth. By keeping your respiratory and cough hygiene well maintained, you’ll affect the chances of cross-transmission.

By implementing the right strategies and protocols, you’ll easily be able to convert your facility into an infection control care home. You’ll give everyone some peace of mind during an ongoing global pandemic.

Did You Know Chairs Can Be One of The Main Causes of Infections Spreading? Learn How to Eliminate Infection by Checking Out Our Guide

Did you know Chairs can be one of the main causes of the spread of infection? See why, and what to do about it by reading our guide here. Alternatively, you can contact a member of our team today by using our quick and easy contact form below. You can also get in touch and speak to a member of the Repose team directly on +44 (0)1384 567401 or by emailing us at We look forward to hearing from you.

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