Meet the Team Monday - Abbie Silvers

Welcome back to another Meet the Team Monday, where today the staff member we are featuring is me! Yes, the person who writes these posts and the person you may have seen posting on social media. My name is Abbie Silvers and I am a Marketing Assistant here at Repose. I've been working for the company for 9 months now.

Abbie Silvers 1 1 Repose Furniture Meet the Team Monday - Abbie Silvers

What does your job entail?

Creating and scheduling social media posts, liaising with the design team to help create our marketing literature, arranging for the marketing literature to be printed and performing quality checks, liaising with our SEO team to help create content and maintain the website, creating marketing emails, and designing signage and other marketing material.

What is your favourite thing about working at Repose?

The people. Even at my interview, I felt so comfortable, and everyone since has been so welcoming. I'm very thankful to everyone here!

What's your favourite Repose product?

The Boston Junior was the first product I worked on, I helped to create the brochure and the website page, so seeing all of that come to life for the first time means the Boston Junior has a special place in my heart.

If you could swap roles with anyone in Repose, who would it be and why?

Either Richard Wheeler, because I'd love to be out and about down south, or Ryan, because I'd love to have a hand in designing our products.

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What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love listening to music and going to concerts. I like to read and write, which is why I studied Creative Writing! I also occasionally go air rifle shooting (targets, NOT animals), and I love nothing more than having a drink with my friends and family.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

The Prime Minister or a teacher.

What's your favourite food?

Sweet waffles with syrup, or mac and cheese.

What's your favourite chocolate bar?


You can invite 5 celebrities to dinner, dead or alive. Who would it be and why?

Harry Styles, John O'Callaghan, Sean McLoughlin, Dan Howell and Phil Lester.