Meet the Team Monday - Mitch Millward

We have returned with another Meet the Team Monday. This month, we're getting to know Mitch Millward; Mitch is the Operations Manager at Repose and he has been with the company for almost 12 years.

Mitch Millward 1 Repose Furniture Meet the Team Monday - Mitch Millward

What does your job entail?

It's my responsibility to oversee the daily operations at Repose. This includes hiring staff, implementing new processes, staff training, health and safety, productivity, and delivery. I must also manage budgets and look at forecasts as well as formulate strategic objectives and monitor production KPI's.

What is your favourite thing about working at Repose?

The staff. I have a great team around me who work hard to achieve our goals. We all go above and beyond to ensure that we deliver the best possible product we can.

What's your favourite Repose product?

The Kingston.

If you could swap roles with anyone in Repose, who would it be and why?

I'd swap roles with the Quality Control Team. That's where I started my journey at Repose and it holds lots of memories of my early career.

Mitch 1 Repose Furniture Meet the Team Monday - Mitch Millward

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have my pilot's license so I try and do as much flying as possible. I love the countryside so I try and get out in the fresh air as much as I can. Spending time with my son, Harley, and my partner, Chloe, on one of our adventures is also the highlight of my spare time.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

A pilot.

What's your favourite food?


What's your favourite chocolate bar?


You can invite 5 celebrities to dinner, dead or alive. Who would it be and why?

Tom Cruise, Cristiano Ronaldo, Sebastian Vettel, Amelia Earhart, and Alan Turing.