Choose Protac for ADHD Sensory Stimulation Products

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Protac Ball Blanket™

Around the world, many people live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which has a significant effect on their lives and those around them. 

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes children and adults to have difficulty paying attention, controlling behaviour, and being patient. Its cause is unknown, but some possible treatments are stimulant medications and behavioural therapy.

There are some treatments for ADHD, such as Behavioral therapy, which many believe may be the first line of treatment as it can help someone gain skills in an area they are struggling with. For example, they’re having trouble paying attention, so they might be given tools to help them focus better.

However, this is just one of many ways that those with ADHD can get help. Another way is sensory stimulation which can help them to focus.

How Can Sensory Stimulation Help With ADHD?

Many who live with ADHD are sensitive to certain sounds, smells, and lights, which can cause them to be distracted. With this sensory overload, ADHD can cause hyperactivity, making it difficult to focus or maintain concentration. However, there are many different strategies that can help some people with ADHD cope with this symptom of the disorder. For example, wearing earplugs or headphones may help reduce some distractions when people living with ADHD are listening to someone talk.

Studies have shown that sensory stimulation also has a positive effect on those who have the disorder. For instance, sensory rooms with lights, vibrations and sounds have been found to have a positive effect on ADHD processing.

What Are the Benefits of Sensory Stimulation?

Due to the positive effect sensory stimulation has among those who have ADHD, there are many benefits to it, such as:

  • Improved Attention span
  • Reduced Overactive thoughts
  • Improved Focus
  • Reduced Impulsiveness and hyperactivity

How Do ADHD Sensory Stimulation Products Help?

Finding products that can help those living with ADHD may seem like a difficult task. But, fortunately, there is a wide range of ADHD sensory stimulation products that help both adults and children who have the disorder. These ADHD sensory stimulation products offer a way for those living with ADHD to have a sense of calm.

The Protac Ball Blanket™: How it Benefits Those With ADHD?

The Protac Ball Blanket™ is a stimulating sensory blanket with large plastic balls. This ADHD sensory stimulation product was created to enhance and stimulate the sense of touch. For those with ADHD, it can help them to:

  • It can help to build body awareness, making it easier to ease their hyperactivity
  • It can help to alleviate sleep problems that ADHD may cause
  • When used in sensory rooms, it can help to promote calmness.

Protac SensOn® Adult: The Benefits Provided for Those with ADHD

Protac Senson® is a stimulating sensory wrap that contains small balls placed around the neck and shoulders. The Protac Senson® helps to improve body awareness and sense of touch. The balls naturally wrap around the neck and shoulders, offering a feeling of calm and support. This ADHD sensory stimulation product provides several benefits including:

  • It can be used anywhere.
  • It helps to promote a sense of calm.
  • Improves body awareness
  • Offers an option for children and teenagers

These are just a few sensory stimulation products that can help those living with ADHD.

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