Celebrating Protac's 30th Anniversary - Our Supplier of Sensory Products

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of our sensory product supplier, Protac®, who we have been collaborating with for 5 years. Repose Furniture is proud to offer a range of sensory products designed to help stimulate and calm people of all ages with a range of mental and physical ailments.

As a business that values its reputation for delivering only the best products to its clients, Repose's ongoing partnership with Protac® is a reflection of the quality you can expect from its entire range of sensory products.

Below you can find an overview of the products Protac® have to offer and the benefits they provide clients. You can also click the button below to read more about Protac® on their website.

Sensory products

The Protac Ball Blanket® was developed in 1994 to help adult psychiatric patients achieve better sleep and, consequently, better well-being. The effect was evident from the first night and has since been documented in several research projects involving both children and adults.

In many cases, the Protac Ball Blanket® has not only contributed to improved sleep, but also reduced the need for medication and contributed to an improved quality of life for the users.

The Protac Ball Cushion® was developed in 1996 to help children who struggle to sit still during school time and during meals. Even a little movement on the cushion, make the balls inside roll gently, and they stimulate the muscle-joint sense. This provides an increased body awareness and destresses body and mind.  The movements of the child are absorbed by the cushion and helps the child achieve better concentration, peace of mind, and improved learning, while also contributing to a better learning environment for the rest of the class.

Protac Ball Cushion® can be used during the day to increase concentration, for example, during school hours and meals.

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Protac SenSit® was launched in 2007 and the ball chair offers new opportunities to find a comforting and sensory-stimulating break during the day. The Protac SenSit® chair is found in many classrooms, waiting rooms and activity rooms in nursing homes and hospitals.

The ball chair helps both children and adults to feel more grounded, gather strength for tasks, or improve managing skills to participate in activities. Additionally, the ball chair is an indispensable part of many sensory rooms in residential facilities and psychiatric departments.

Protac MyFit® Ball Vest was introduced in 2010 and changes the way sensory-stimulating support is used as it can be used during daytime activities. It helps both children and adults who are challenged by mental and physical unrest and often experience sensory overstimulation.

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Protac KneedMe® was launched in 2014 and it is a sensory-stimulating knee-blanket with balls to stimulate the muscle-joint sense and the sense of touch through deep and dynamic touch-pressure, providing clear body boundaries and promoting an improved body awareness.

It covers the stomach, thighs and knees and has pockets for sensory-seeking hands to distract from worrying thoughts and restlessness. Protac KneedMe® is used in schools, psychiatric departments, nursing homes, and sensory rooms.

Protac SensCircle® was launched in 2015 in a design-collaboration with a new psychiatric bed, where the multi-cushion functions as both a safe zone and a bed bumper. The cushion can be used to sit on, lie on, and many other possibilities.

The cushion has sensory-stimulating balls in the middle, which enhance body awareness and have a calming effect when lying or sitting on it.

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Protac 2021 025 Repose Furniture Our Supplier of Sensory Products - Protac's 30th Anniversary

Protac SensOn® was launched in 2018 and it is a collar with sensory-stimulating balls. The movement of the balls provides sensory stimuli to the neck, shoulders, and chest, feeling like comforting hands on the shoulders.

Protac SensOn® has helped, among others, an elderly woman with dementia to concentrate on seeing a movie, allowing her to enjoy time with the other residents at the nursing home. The collar can also be used by children, teenagers, and adults.

With the launch Protac SenSit® Nature in 2020, it became possible to combine the sensory-stimulating effect of the ball chair with nature’s beneficial effects on body and mind. The Nature-model has the same calming effect as the indoor-model and functions as a safe space for stress and challenging situations. At the same time, it enables outdoor rehabilitation for individuals who find it difficult, for example, to go for a walk.

Nature has a unique ability to engage our senses. It brings joy, peace, and energy all at once, and it is well-documented that outdoor rehabilitation strengthens physical, mental, and social skills. Being in nature adds an extra dimension to the sensory experience – the wind on your face, the scent of flowers and trees, clouds and birds drifting by, and, not least, the fresh air.

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Sensory Product FAQs

Sensory products stimulate the five senses - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell - they provide stimulation for people with disabilities, calming those with anxiety and enhancing their sensory experience. Examples of sensory products include ball cushions, weighted vests, textured toys, and light therapy lamps. Sensory products provide disabled people with a variety of physical, emotional and cognitive benefits. These sensory products are usually used in care homes, therapy rooms, and sensory rooms. 

Ask us a Question About our Range of Sensory Stimulation Products:

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